Welcome to Ramakrishna Mission Sikshanamandira Praktani Association

Ramakrishna Mission Sikshanamandira Praktani Association 
Ramakrishna Mission Sikshanamandira is proud to have as its alumni a collective of more than 10,000 professional educationists, teachers, professors, scientists, civil servants, literary critics, media experts, journalists, political leaders, social activists, technologists, managers and entrepreneurs over the last 55 years and more. This number will continue to grow. The college has established an Executive Committee (EC) under the presidentship of the Principal since 2003. Currently, Prof. Satyajit Kar is the secretary and the chief advisor of the Praktani Association.
The Executive Committee (EC) aims to foster stronger relations between its alumni and others connected with the college. RKMSM recognizes its alumni as important stakeholders in its continuing quest to provide excellent education and research in the field of teacher education. It realises the enormous benefits that can come from the engagement and support of its alumni who have considerable expertise in many areas and can help identify strategic directions for RKMSM in the 21st century.

The alumni can provide opportunities for community service, act as goodwill ambassadors for RKMSM, serve as effective interlocutors, provide advice and support to the college, suggest frontline research areas, offer career advice and also provide financial assistance. There can also be academic and technical collaboration in research and projects.

Through this Association the college have established links with RKMSM alumni and several such individuals and groups in different parts of India and abroad. We have already built a directory of alumni. But we have to expedite the process to cover the remaining alumnus as soon as possible. Any alumna can get included in this directory by filling up the Form provided online as per the procedure.

Ramakrishna Mission Sikshanamandira Praktani Association
Memorandum of Association
1.      The name of the Association shall be ‘Ramakrishna Mission Sikshanamandira Praktani Association’ hereinafter to be referred to as ‘the Association’.
2.      The registered office of the Association shall be located at Ramakrishna Mission Sikshanamandira (hereinafter to be referred to as Sikshanamandira),       P.O. Belur Math, Howrah-711202.
3.      The Association shall be a non-political organization.
4.      The activities of the Association shall be conducted in such a manner as to preserve and promote the dignity and tradition of the Sikshanamandira.
5.      The aims and objects of the Associationshall be as under:
i).   to maintain and foster a spirit of good will and fraternity amongst the members;
ii)   to develop among the members a healthy atmosphere for cultural and recreational activities;
iii)  to organize and arrange re-unions at regular intervals, and meetings, symposia and lectures on various scientific, cultural and social aspects and subjects related to education;
iv)  to develop and maintain cordial and reciprocal relationship with the monastic members, staff as well as students of the Sikshanamandira;
v)   to help financially and /or otherwise present and ex-students and members of staff of the Sikshanamandira in their urgent need;
vi)  to render all possible help to the Sikshanamandira whenever it is sought for.
6.   The administrative affairs of the Associationshall be vested in its Executive Committee.

1.1 Name: The name of the Association shall be‘Ramakrishna Mission Sikshanamandira Praktani Association’, hereinafter to be referred to as ‘the Association’.
1.2 REGISTERED OFFICE: The registered office of the Association shall be located at Ramakrishna Mission Sikshanamandira hereinafter to be referred to as ‘the Sikshanamandira’. P.O.-Belur Math, Howrah-711202. Executive Committee will be referred to as E.C. 
1.3 HEAD QUARTERS: The Head Quarters of the Association shall be its Registered Office.
2.1.There shall be two categories of members-(A) Ordinary Member and (B) Life Member.  
2.2.The membership of the Association shall be open to all persons who had passed a final examination of the Courses/ Programmes like B.Ed./B.T., M.Ed., M.Phil., PG Diploma in Guidance and Counseling, ODL-B.Ed (Under Netaji Subhas Open University)., ODL-D.El.Ed. (Under the West Bengal Board of Primary Education), or any other similar examinations that may be introduced/conducted from time to time from Ramakrishna Mission Sikshanamandira Belur Math.
2.3.The Executive Committee may, however, grant membership, in exceptional cases, to those students of the Sikshanamandira, who have studied there for some time, but are not covered by Article 2.2.
2.4.Application for membership, recommended by a member of the Association, along-with the admission fee and annual subscription, shall have to be submitted to the Convener Secretary of the Association, who will place them before the Executive Committee of the Association for its consideration.
2.5.The Executive Committee will have absolute right as well as discretion to grant or refuse membership to any applicant.
2.6.1. Admission fee for members of all categories shall be Rs.10/- (Rupees ten) only
2.6.2. Annual subscription for ordinary members shall be Rs.200/- (Rupees two hundred only).
2.6.3. Any person, qualified to be an ordinary member of the Association may be admitted as a Life Member on payment of the Admission fee, plus Rs.1000/-(Rupees One thousand only) at a time along-with his application. All members of the first executive Committee will be treated as life members.
2.6.4. Any existing ordinary member may be admitted as a life member if he pays Rs.1000/- (Rupees one thousand only).
2.6.5. Ex-students of the Sikshanamandira, who have subsequently joined the Ramakrishna Order of Monks, shall not be required to pay any fees for becoming members of the Association: However, they shall have to apply for membership in prescribed form.
2.6.6. All these fees shall be reviewed or revised periodically at the Annual General Meeting.
2.6.7. The Annual subscription from members must reach the office of the Association on/before the 30th of August every year.
2.6.8. A Register of Members shall be maintained and will be kept at the registered office of the Association. Members shall have the right to inspect the Register by making prior appointment with the Secretary.
2.7.1. Members may voluntarily withdraw from membership of the Association by signifying to the Executive Committee their intension to withdraw. Such withdrawal shall take effect on the acceptance by the Executive Committee.
2.7.2. Any member, if convicted in a court of law or if found indulging in activities detrimental to the interest of the Association, will be debarred from having membership to be issued by the Executive Committee, after giving him opportunity of hearing.
2.7.3. Membership of those members whose subscription remain overdue for more than 3 years shall stand annulled and however, in such case, if any application is being made by the members whose membership has been terminated, his case can be considered and/or reviewed and such consideration will be left at the discretion of the Executive Committee at any later date, on clearance of the arrear subscription, together with a further fee of Rs.10/-(Rupees ten only).
All properties moveable and immovable, of the Association shall vest in the Association which will be under the control of the Executive Committee in accordance with the Memorandum of Association and the Rules and Regulations noted herein.
All deeds, agreements and other document of whatever nature relating to or affecting the acquisition or the alienation of the immovable properties or rights of privileges of the Association shall be executed by the Secretary for and on behalf of the Association with the approval of the Executive Committee in power, or by a person duly authorized by the Executive Committee.
4.1.The control and management of the Association shall vest with the Executive Committee consisting of a minimum of 13 and maximum of 17 members.
4.2.The Executive Committee shall hold office for a period of 3 years.
4.3.The Principal Proctor, Controller of Examinations and the Hostel Superintend, if they are alumni, would be members of the Association by virtue of their being alumni; otherwise, they shall be the Patrons of the Association and shall be Ex-officio members of the Executive Committee.
4.4.Members of the Executive Committee shall be elected every 3rd year at the Annual General Meeting (AGM).
4.5.Nomination from candidates for membership of the Executive Committee, duly proposed and seconded must reach the Secretary at least 15(fifteen) days before the date of the AGM in which the election shall be held.
4.6.The newly elected Executive Committee shall take over charge of the Association on the 1st day of August following the AGM in which election of the new committee is due.
4.7.The existing Executive Committee, if necessary, may continue in office for three months beyond the date of expiry of its terms till a new Committee is elected and/or formed.
4.8.A member of the Executive Committee who fails to attend three consecutive meetings of the Executive Committee without any prior information may be removed from the membership of the Executive Committee and such power will be vested at the discretion of the Executive Committee.
4.9.Any vacancy in the Executive Committee may be filled by co-option from amongst the members of the Association. A co-opted member will enjoy the full rights of elected members as that of the Executive Committee.
4.10.1.  The Principal of the College shall be the President of the Association.
4.10.2.  Besides the President, the following Office-bearers shall be elected by the members of the Executive Committee at the first meeting of each term, to be convened by the Principal, Sikshanamandira as the President of the Association, within one month of the formation of the Committee:-
Vice-President - 2
Assistant Secretary-3
Accountant - 1
If the President fails to convene such a meeting, the elected members can hold such a meeting, provided it is convened by more than 50% of the elected members.
4.11.1. To receive funds and to raise funds by making appeals and / or organizing charity shows etc. for the fulfillment of the aims and objects of the Association;
4.11.2. To invest funds of the Association in such a manner as the Executive Committee may deem fit and for the welfare of the Association and to convert such investments which will be left at the discretion of the Executive Committee to make maximum profit at minimum risk;
4.11.3. To build, purchase, grant lease or otherwise for the purpose of acquiring the property, both movable and immovable, to carry out the aims and objectives of the Association;
4.11.4. To sell, grant lease or mortgage or otherwise for disposing with all or any part of the property of the Association as deemed necessary or expedient for the welfare of the Association;
4.11.5. To set up, change or dissolve any committee/sub-committee for the conducting of the business of the Association;
4.11.6. To make By-Laws in connection with the management of the Association.
5.1.1 There shall be two kinds of General Meetings-(a) Annual, and (b) Requisition meeting on special ground.
5.1.2 The Association shall hold an Annual General Meeting (AGM) at least once in every year and not more than 15 (fifteen) months shall elapse between 2 successive AGM’s.
5.1.3 The notice of AGM shall be issued on the web-site/ face-book by the Secretary to the members, specifying the place, date, time and Agendas at least 30 days prior to the date commencement of the meeting.
5.1.4 The business to be transacted at the AGM shall be as follows:
i) To confirm the proceedings of the previous AGM and of extra ordinary GN’S held after the previous AGM, if any.
ii) To adopt (with or without modification) Annual Report of the Association placed by the Secretary at the AGM.
iii) To adopt the Audited statement of Accounts and the Auditors Report, as also to appoint auditors for the next year and to fix up their remuneration.
iv) To elect Executive Committee as and when necessary.
v) To consider any item brought by any member for which at least seven days notice has been given to the Secretary in writing.
vi) To consider any item with the approval of the Chairman of the meeting.
5.1.5. The quorum for the transaction of any business at the AGM shall be 25% (Twenty five percent) of the eligible voters. If an AGM fails through for want of quorum, the President shall adjourn the meeting after one hour from the time fixed for the meeting. For the adjourned AGM, a notice of 15 days shall be adequate and such adjourned meeting shall require no quorum.
5.1.6. Extra-ordinary General Meeting.
An Extra-ordinary General Meeting may be convened by the Secretary, under the following circumstances:
i)   At the discretion of the Executive Committee and
ii)  On receipt of a requisition notice signed by at least 25 (twenty five)% of the members of the Association, specifying the nature of the business to be transacted. On receipt of such a requisition notice, the Secretary shall convene the meeting within 21 days. In default, the requisitionists may hold such a meeting, by issuing at least 15 days’ notice, provided that no businesses other than those specified in the notice are transacted. More than 50(fifty)% of valid members of the Association shall form the quorum of such a meeting. If no quorum is formed within one hour of the specified time, such a meeting shall be null and void. The cost of convening and holding such valid Extra-Ordinary General Meetings shall be borne by the Association.
5.2 Executive Committee Meetings
5.2.1 The Executive Committee (E.C.) shall meet at lest four times a year at such a place and on such a date and time as the Secretary in consultation with the President may decide. The notice and agenda of these meetings shall be sent out to all member of the E.C. by post or e-mail/SMS by the Secretary at least 10 days before the date fixed for the meeting.
5.2.2  Emergency meeting may be convened by the President within 25 hours’ notice.
5.2.3 The quorum for an E.C. meeting shall be one-third of the total number or members. If no quorum is formed within one hour of the specified time, the meeting shall stand adjourned.
5.2.4 Issues arising in E.C. meetings shall be decided by a majority of Votes with the President having a casting vote in case of a tie.
5.2.5 A resolution issued by the President or the Secretary on any matter which he deems urgent and signed by a majority of the E.C., shall in all respect be treated as valid and binding as a resolution passed at a meeting of the E.C. duly convened and constituted, and such a resolution shall not be deemed invalid by reason of notice or any other cause whatsoever.
6.1.Except otherwise decided by the E.C., the Accounting and financial year of the Association shall be April-March.
                   i. All funds of the Association, however collected, shall be deposited with the appropriate bank accounts.
                  ii.  All payments amounting to Rs.1000/- (Rupees one thousand only) or more to be made by Cheques only.
6.2. An emergency money of Rs. 1000/- shall be kept with the Treasurer to meet day to day expenses.
6.3. Non-budgeted expenditure exceeding R.1000/- to be incurred by the Secretary shall require the prior approval of the E.C.
6.4. All bank and or P.O.S.B. accounts of the Association shall be jointly operated by any two of (a) Secretary, (b) President and (c) Treasure.
6.5. The books of accounts and other statutory books shall be kept at the Registered office of the Association and shall be open to inspection by any member with prior appointment with the Secretary.
6.8. The Budget of the Association shall have to be passed by the E.C. by the 1st Quarter of every financial year.
6.9. The accounts for each financial year have to be audited by the 1st quarter of the subsequent year.
Rights of Members
7.1. Any valid member has the right to elect and to be elected in any election of the Association.
7.2. Any valid member has the right to submit suggestions for discussion in the E.C. or any Sub-Committee on any matter.
7.3. Any member has the right to inspect the Register of Members and books of accounts of the Association with prior appointment with the Secretary.
7.4. Any member has the right, by fulfilling necessary formalities and requirements, if any, to attend cultural and social functions, scientific and educational lecturers, meeting, symposia etc. organized by the Association.
Duties and power of Patrons and Office Bearers of the Association:
i)   preside over all the meetings of the Association and of the Executive Committee of the Association.
ii)  Exercise a casting vote in any such meeting in case of a tie.
iii) Convene emergency meetings;
iv)  Ensure that due effect is given to the Rules of the Association and Regulations made by the Executive Committee.
In the absence of the President in any meeting, one of the Vice-Presidents, to be nominated by the E.C. shall perform the duties and exercise the powers of he president.
8.3.1. The Secretary shall be the chief functionary of the Association. He shall Execute the decisions of the E.C.
8.3.2. He shall convene meetings of the E.C. and AGM and special General Meetings, issue notice thereof and record the minutes or have them recorded.
8.3.3. He shall make official reports, issue circulations, attend official correspondence and attend to such other duties as are ancillary or incidental to his office.
8.3.4. He shall undertake journeys in connection with the activities of the Association and represent the Association to conferences and all outsiders, also in conventions beneficial to it. In case he cannot attend, the E.C. may appoint a duly authorized representative of the Association on all such occasions. Expenditure incurred on such occasions shall be borne by the Association.
8.3.5. He may meet the press; establish reciprocal relationship with officers Alumni Associations of R.K. Mission Educational Institutions and other learned bodies with prior approval of the E.C.
8.3.6. He shall pass bills/vouchers for payment.
8.3.7. He shall open with bank/P.O.S.B. accounts and operate these accounts as per rule 6.6.
8.3.8. In the absence of the Treasurer, he shall perform the duties and functions of the Treasure.
8.4.1. The Assistant-secretaries shall assist the Secretary in discharging his duties.
8.4.2. One of the Assistant Secretaries, to be nominated by the E.C. shall perform the duties of the Secretary during the latter’s absence from the Head         Quarters.
8.5.1. All deeds, securities and other valuables of the Association shall be kept in the custody of the Treasurer.
8.5.2. He shall receive all money on behalf of Association and shall be responsible for depositing these to the appropriate bank accounts maintained with banks/P.O.
8.5.3. He shall make all payments against bills and vouchers duly passed the Secretary.       
8.5.4. He shall maintain or cause to maintain the books of accounts of the Association.
8.5.5. He shall prepare the budget of the Association by the 1st quarter of each Financial year to be considered by the E.C., and arrange for auditing the  Accounts relating to each financial year by the quarter of the subsequent Financial year.
Amendment of Memorandum of Association & Rules & Regulations.
9.1. The Association may amend the provisions of the Memorandum of Association and Rules Regulations by votes of three-fourth of the valid members (including votes by proxy) in a General Meeting specially convened for the purpose. Copies of each proposed amendment shall have to be circulated 30 (Thirty) days in advance of the General Meeting at which such an Amendment is to be considered.
9.2. If any member wants to move a proposal for any  amendment by way of additions, alteration or obliteration of the proviso of the Memorandum of the  Association or Rules & Regulations, He shall have to inform the Secretary of the same in writing before the notice of the AGM is issued.
10.1.In case it is decided to dissolve the Association, it may be dissolve by the votes of more than three-fourths of the valid members passing a resolution to that effect at General Meeting specially convened for that purpose.

10.2.At the time of dissolution, after due satisfaction and clearance of the debts and liabilities of the Association, the remaining properties or assets shall vest in the Sikshanamandira Governing Body represented by its Secretary.